So basically my Christmas Break was nothing short of Amazing!!!
Between the parties, the hugs, the kisses, the Fam Damily, the friends, and the love of the season.. there is nothing i would change about it.
Christmas is a time of love, good cheer, and hope. It is absolutely my Favorite time of the year.
First there is the love of the season. One of my friends, Aka peppermint patty who graduated last year, got Married just before Christmas. She looked so beautiful and Im so happy to see the example that she is setting for me to also go to the Temple someday.
Then..just before Christmas, who should we find but SANTY CLAWS HIMSELF! He was ridin down 32nd Street in his sleigh and we pulled him over to take a picture! KIDS: Dont you ever believe what the big kids tell you about Santa not being real! "They sit on a throne of lies! They smell like beef and cheese..and dont even smell like Santa!"

Franky got in the Christmas Spirit by sporting his classy Holiday bow.
For any of you who still rejoice in the Disney Princesses, you can be happy with me for this! For Christmas I got The Little Mermaid 2. Which means that I have All Three Little Mermaids on DVD!!! And if any of you know me at all this is pure bliss :]
Our lovely Yule Log :} This is definitely on our HD tv :}
Brinky Dinky diggin some Ice outta the soda bucket!
Lots of cool toys for both the young and old..
Then there was New Years! There was a huge New years Party on my birthday and it was an absolute blast!
I apologize buddy, but this moment was priceles! So there were hommemade cheesecakes..and one was left laying around..and it was positioned perfectly where some dude decided to sit down.. and well, you do the math! :]

My girls are so funny!! They decided to give me a "Girls night" in a box for my birthday! This had a bottle of Martinelli's, a box of chocolates, the DVD of EVERAFTER which I have yet to watch, a can of pinapple (so Maddi can visit..if you dont know this story, then just dont worry about it.), and last but not least this Radical pair of boxers!!! Haha they definitely have a huge bling bling car on the front and say "Its A BLING THING!" Pretty much girls..Girls Night in a box= AWESOMETOWN. Thank you for that :]

Me and my Home-skillet biscuits :]
As you can Holiday Season was immensely amazing.
As for my New Years Resolutions?
Well, Im happy to say that I wrote nine out of the ten songs that i wanted by the end of 2008. Im pretty happy about them and with a few more songs hope to record an album. :]
New Goals you say???..
Well, I have resoluted (a word?) to:
Exercise..way more!
Eat not so much crud.. ya know, still snack here and there, but not destine myself for heart failure.
Record an album for all of my friends and family.
Read the Book of Mormon at least once all the way thru.
Tell my family I love them more.
Show more Christlike love to everyone i know.
Get down on my knees and into the scriptures more.
And myself for who I am. I think there are those who can testify that a lot of times i will flip out on myself for being stressed or think i just dont have what it takes at the end of the day. But Im so grateful for my family and friends who never ever cease to love me and never ever give up on this silly, stubborn, seventeen year old.
I Love you all so much. Thanks for the laughs, the game nights, the Christmas Carols, the Fro yo, the Sisterhood movies, the sleepovers..and everything else that makes my life that much more meaningful.