Sunday, July 27, 2008

Charlie Brown Lives on!!!

I apologize for bringing this up for those of you who are trying to forget about it but did you all know we're on YOU TUBE???? haha for those of you who have never seen it Its to the right side of the page over this way>>>>>>>>>
make sure to turn off my playlist and ENJOY! :] PS- Thank you to the lone boy who gave us a standing ovation!


Marilee said...

haha i still think its funny that i had no idea who you were...but i remember thinkin that the girl in purple was awesome. So i'm tellin you now YOU WERE FREAKIN AWESOME!!

Unknown said...

haha, wow calli, oh man I'm so excited for the musical this year!

Unknown said...

that was cute! so you were the girl in the purple dress?

Unknown said...

hey i know i already commented on this post, but i just wanted to tell you that i got a blog, but its private, so i need your email address.

Calliandra Rasmussen said...

sweet its calpep101@gmail

Tannis said...

That's schweet!!!