HOLY COW!!!!!!!! This is prolly gonna be one of the best summers of my entire life! I dont think i will ever forget it! For anyone who still believes in reading my blog ...here ya go!
First of all I gotta fill you in on Lake Powell!

Every year for a week we go up to lake powell and party like rockstars with our family and friends! This picture is in a cove that me and my buddy kayaked into and it was SO pretty. I swear the celestial kingdom better look like lake powell! haha

I got to wakeboard all week long! I love wakeboarding and i love spending the time to get better every summer!

Here is Kens, Lauren, Ash and me partying up on the boat! (Dont you love the survivor look?!)
Okay..count to three then scroll down.. 1.....2.....3...
Aw Aaron and Kens! I miss you guys so much! We got Jet Skis up at the Lake and they were AWESOME!
I LOVE this shot! It shows a lot of what we were doin up there! A little taste of summer with a WHOLE LOT of fun!
I love these two girls so much! They were my main source of entertainment for the week! It was great! Also to my fam, Aaron and Kens, and the Kirwins, and the Paynes! You all rock my sox! THx for makin lake powell so memorable this year!
Now for my New Jersey/ New York trip!
So this year my dearest gramma decided to be gracious enough to pay for our family to go to New Jersey and stay on Point Pleasant Beach for an entire week at a beach house.
Luckily for me this lil sweet heart was my flying buddy for most of the way there! Shes my little Ally baby or "Alvin" as we started to call her on this trip. Haha then my family got smart on me and started to called me "Calvin." Nice one guys! Tee hee!

HAHA! I popped the Binky on this one and finally caught her cheesy lil smile ! I LOVES IT!
Here is a view of sunset from way up in the plane! It was gorgeous!
WE finally reached NEw Jersey! HEre is our "happy to be on the ground" faces!
Here is our lovely house that we stayed in for a week! It is so pretty in New Jersey!
On Sunday we took a picnic and went to "Goose log park" as I like to call it. You can use your imagination why we picked the name goose log. :]
As we were driving to Church I spotted this sign and HAD do take a picture of it. It made me very happy!
So after our picnic we went to a wildlife preserve and took a walk down this path. Living proof that somewhere along the line someone decided that Arizona should shrivel up like a prune on a summer day but New Jersey will be permitted to have all the moisture in the world and look pretty much like the secret garden! Hmm..what gives?

So you're prolly thinking..What the HECK is that thing?! Well this here is a horse shoe crab. Dont worry its dead. This monstrosity was wedged into the pier at the shore and me and my sister thought we were cool by being the adventurous type and pulling it out so we could parade it around! Well here it is! But we definitely got a wiff (sp?) of it when we were taking pictures and threw it back to sea once we were done!

Aaahh..I love the beach!
I learned how to boogie board! Haha did anyone else notice my HUGe farmer tan on my legs? HAHA oh man that is from wearing knee shorts at Lake Powell for a week!
What do you get walking around the board walk in New Jersey? You would think a sea shell or something right??...Nope. FRIED OREO!
We went to the Central Park zoo before we hit broadway...


Im sorry but I MUST make a shout out to Maddi on this one..she is one of the biggest Legally Blonde fans I know and I took this picture just for her!!! I love you Mads!

Little Mermaid was AMAZING! LIke seriously prolly one of the best shows I will EVER see!

SO I apologize that this picture is a Tiny bit blurry but maybe it's cuz Ma's hand was shakin from excitement! Haha well here folks is none other than... SEAN PALMER. And I know that about 99.9 percent of you except for my theater nerd buds are thinking.."okay who's the dude in the purple?" But this man is currently playing Prince Eric from Little Mermaid on Broadway and I was fortunate enough to see him texting on the street corner and got a picture with him!!! It was amazing!!
Well As you can all tell..it was an eventful and quite amazing experience! Now my summer is rolling to a stop and I can't help but think of the stinkin awesome times I had. Adieu to my true love, my summer! I shall miss you! sniffle.. "]