This week was one thing...
Why you ask?
Could it be all of the fetchin awesome things I did at camp?
Well... You can be the judge of that!
Here is just a little Taste of what went on at camp! :]
First of all we stayed at a campsite up by Strawberry. This is the view looking at the camp across the marsh, or the "swamp" as everyone called it!
Me and my lovely partner in crime. Aka my YCL buddy!
I named this girl Sass-a-frass! She had style..even at camp! As for me..I didnt really have a choice and i was goin for the survivor look!
Lot of rage there...
Now shooting for Sports Illustrated Madison Moffat shows off an intense face as she tackles the zipline! hee hee ..I love this shot.
Smile for da camera!!!
Okay I look like an old man in this shot with my wrinkles n' everything..but I had to get a shot with my mama! She was an amazing camp director and did an awesome job!
Hey.. everyone needs an Emo shot every once in a while dont they?
I love my daddy! He helped out so much with everything and I'm so proud to call him mine!
Gosh my oh..I love this girl so much! We partied like no other and had the best time ever!
So I know this picture is random and kinda old but I had to put it up. This lil girl and I had some real special bonding time this week at camp and it made me so happy to be a YCL over her ward. It's amazing how when your out in nature how peaceful it can be and so appropriate to sit and just talk about life. She will always hold a very special place in my heart. :] I love ya girl.
This chica was also one of my tent buddies at camp and I love her so much! We look goofy dont we? Tee hee hee.
Well all in all camp was AMAZING THIS YEAR!
This has seriously been THE BEST year I've had so far. I can't wait for another year to party! :]
Calli..Yes girls camp was AMAZING!
Thanks for being such an awesome YCL to your girls. You're the best!!Love ya, mom :)
fun fun!
Hooray for girls camp, it sounded like fun, I'm really bummed I didn't get to go on the encampment.
Oh my goodness! your camp looks so much fun!!! you know what we are doing for girls camp this summer were going to a house on 24th street for 2 days. ya boring.....
How fun!!! We just had girl's camp too!!! It's like the best huh?! Cute pictures!
It was so much fun playing with you!!! I love you. Thanks for the fun and taking some pic.s for me! (Agreed on the best year so far!)
that looks like so much fun, I seriously miss those days when I went to girls camp, I had so so so much fun. And how great that your parents could both be up there with you? See you soon and I can't wait. ya ya
did I tell you that you look like scrat from Ice Age in that picture with dad?
Hey do a shout out-link to my website on your blog okay! thank you. ps.. new clippies are up, and ready to order. Maybe I will give you the family discount rate... :)
Awwww! I miss girls camp, looks like everyone had a great time! Miss you!
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