Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Isn't it about time?

I am TIRED.....




Aka I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for school to be over with for the semester!

I think the first hint I got that I needed sleep was when I was sauntering to my bed and saw this:

Actually , Nick staged this one but it phsyced me out for the milisecond that I believed it!!!!!!

You may ask........Why the tiredness all of the sudden?!

Well the answer to that my friend, lies in the name of one book alone.......and that is HUCKLEBERRY FINN!!!

I'm not sure how many of you know this but I DO NOT enjoy reading as a pasttime! I have to be constantly doing something with my body to keep me entertained. (I apologize to the book club lovers out there) but a 300 pg. novel just isn't for me!!!!

I have been up so late the past couple of nights that it is not even funny! Here are a couple of the things that have gone through my mind as I've read this book:

I'm no rebel, but destruction of school property sounds pretty enticing at the moment!!!!!!!!!!

On the other hand, I could tell Mrs. Barker that my dog didn't eat my homework...he ate my entire novel!!!!!

Don't we just love school?! Well...i'm too tired tonight for any more sarcasm so I'm turning in!

Audios muchachos!


Kensie said...

your so funny, I love that blog. I can not tell you how many times those sort of thoughts crossed my head when I was in High School. Dont worry, you will make it through and then you guys will be here in Utah and "All will be merry and Bright." and hopefully "your Christmas will be white" Love you

Valerie said...

Hang in there Calli it will be over soon :)

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

sh don't tell i only read four whole chapters and skimmed the rest.. naughty jewls.. -Julia

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

sh don't tell i only read four whole chapters and skimmed the rest.. naughty jewls.. -Julia

Nathan & Cherish said...

I think you are just so gosh darn funny! You crack me up!

Sorry I didn't make it to our Sunday school! Nate had family in town for his graduation so we skipped out on our church and went to his mom's. So did Mark talk to you guys about doing it on Friday?

Would that work for everyone or not?

Let me know! If not we may have to do it after Christmas!

And no I have not Fled yet ....

Rachel said...

Sorry i haven't commented on your blog in forever! well school is out by now and i am lovin it! let me tell you!